
improvisation at sunday night / biancaanneb & Cie. tauschfühlung

Created at 19. Nov. 2014

4900 Ansichten
by biancaanneb

... this improvisation at sunday night was developed spontaneously at the first "Artist Residency" in Werkraumtheater Kornspeicher Wels. Lead and initiated by Bianca Anne Braunesberger. biancaanneb & Cie. tauschfühlung working as a company and organisation to collaborate with artists from dance, music and other genres; the company is situated in Linz. Guest dancer Gilles Noel from Belgium was attending the residency in September 2014 and we were happy to meet him as a new collaborating artist!
(music: mosch)

Information to the company: www.tauschfuehlung.at

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