+ Regular Line Created at 6. Jun. 2014 10955 Ansichten by Holzhaus BeschreibungEmbed Multimedia space for contemporary culture Nástupište 1-12, HolzHaus Verein, bb15 – Space for contemporary arts and Dokapi Collective cordially invite you to join Neighborhood Playgrounds ...a square open platform created to embrace physical proximities in between collaborating art spaces and neighboring countries of Slovakia and Austria and to bringing a playful structure where international artists and public can interact, socialize and explore in a certain scene, spontaneously, generating connections like kids do, recalling joy and fun for making new friends whom to play with. Following artists from both countries accepted the challenge to play together: SVK: Juraj Toman Juraj Florek Zuzana Žabková Jakub Pišek AT: Michael Schweiger Claudia Czimek Edgar Friedl Elio Seidl Solaja Rechlin Come and join us at Thursday, June 12th at 19:00 at Dokapi ÖH Café for a kick-off event with talks, performances and live music to learn more about the project. Neighborhood Playgrounds is a result of the crossboarder cooperation project Regular Line Slovakia – Austria run by slovak art organization Nastupiste 1-12 and austrian art group HolzHaus Verein. The project is supported by Ministry of culture of Slovak Republic. Concept co-creators: Dokapi Collective, Linz AT Partners: Bb15 Space for Contemporary Arts, Linz AT Dokapi ÖH Café, Kunst Universität Linz Media partners: Radio FM, SVK DORF TV, AT Share & Embed Embed this Video Link to this Video Add new comment Kommentar verfassen login or register to post comments. Open Space 3426 Videos, 2113 Members Playlists #Tags regular line slovakia holzhaus Austria nastupiste exchange 2014 More from Channel 00:07:50 Ein Film von Andreas Toth. Antonio Vivaldi's FRÜHLING Open Space since 13 years 5 months 00:01:34 Trickfilmworkshop im Medien Kultur Haus Wels: Maus Katz Hund Open Space since 13 years 5 months 00:02:04 Trickfilmworkshop im Medien Kultur Haus Wels: Monsta Partey Open Space since 13 years 5 months 00:02:07 Trickfilmworkshop im Medien Kultur Haus Wels: Die Verwandlung im Weltall Open Space since 13 years 5 months 01:48:30 ECHT/FALSCH. HOCHKONJUNKTUR DER FÄLSCHER Smoke on the Water 23.3.2011 Open Space since 13 years 5 months 00:09:04 Was ist Kino. Ein Film von Andreas Toth. Was ist Kino Open Space since 13 years 5 months 00:00:45 Trickfilmworkshop im Medien Kultur Haus Wels: Resul´s Traum Open Space since 13 years 5 months 00:07:42 Ein Samstag-Nachmittag Ausflug zum Almsee in Grünau. pocket tv: Spaziergang um den Almsee Open Space since 13 years 5 months 00:00:52 Nach dem Marathon. pocket tv - Linz, Innenstadt, nach dem City Marathon Open Space since 13 years 4 months 00:38:43 Hermannstadt Geschichte Österreichische Kulturwoche Ungarische Kulturwoche Ein Film von Andreas Hermannstadt Open Space since 13 years 4 months 00:03:53 Ein Film von Andreas Toth. Frühling Sonate Open Space since 13 years 4 months 00:00:51 Trickfilmworkshop im Medien Kultur Haus Wels: Tiny Wings Open Space since 13 years 4 months Mehr vom User 00:01:54 Multimedia space for contemporary culture Nástupište 1-12, HolzHaus Verein, bb15 – Space for cont Regular Line Open Space since 10 years 3 months More like this 00:50:29 Multimedia space for contemporary culture Nástupište 1-12, HolzHaus Verein, bb15 – Space for cont Regular Line - International Artists Collaboration Project DORFTV open house since 10 years 3 months 00:24:16 * only sound * AMRO22: Contextualizing GIA: an experiment in collective res servus.at since 5 months 1 week 01:47:47 Another great Sound Performance at HolzHaus! Holzhaus Sound Performance: Emerge, B°Tong, Re-Drum Open Space since 9 years 3 months 00:05:13 A tour through the exhibition "Finding Kosovo", which took place between June 14 - 28 2017 at Sal Finding Kosovo - Tour through the exhibition Open Space since 7 years 00:03:05 The tanzhafenFESTIVAL is a diverse, innovative festival for dance arts relating also to media and Tanzhafen festival 2017- Linz Week 1 Open Space since 7 years 2 months 00:03:20 “The Light of Liberty”, "Demolition", Act II The Light of Liberty - Act II - Demolition Open Space since 5 years 8 months 00:03:20 The Light of Liberty”, "Reconstruction", Act III The Light of Liberty - Act III- Reconstruction Open Space since 5 years 8 months 00:02:37 BODHI Project: Matija Ferlin - students of harmony foto/ Matija Ferlin - Students of Harmony Open Space since 7 years 7 months 01:18:09 Panel | Art Meets Radical Openness 2018 AMRO18// Page of Swords: Escaping filter bubbles using magic servus.at since 6 years 00:12:27 First started in Cesky Krumlov, Czech Republic, in 2010 the experimental street art project „Ukra Ukradena Galerie Linz 05/12 - 05/13 Open Space since 11 years 3 months 00:01:56 The Inter-Dance-Project (I.D.P.) is intended to connect different cultures through dance and art. Inter-Dance-Project - EXTEGRITY Open Space since 6 years 4 months