+ Bubble On Circus Created at 21. Jul. 2016 3888 Ansichten by DORFbrunnen BeschreibungEmbed “THE MAGIC BREATH” ★ Magic Exists in the most unexpected people. . It’s inside us since we are little. then it gets lost, sometimes we find it again, or maybe it was always there although imperceptible. Ephemeral and delicate as a bubble is. ★ The two endearing characters will lead the audience into the magical world of diverse bubbles, smoke bubbles, gigantic, minuscule, flying bubbles, bright, with magical effects, and a stunning story. ★ A wordless show, where the only language is the body language. It will be like eye dream, where bubbles dance and fall from the sky. ★ The show will blow the youngest away, entertain the parents and will get the grandparents emotional. It is a show that is suitable for the whole family! http://bubbleoncircus.com/en/ Share & Embed Embed this Video Link to this Video Add new comment Kommentar verfassen login or register to post comments. 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