+ MYNTH - FRIENDS Created at 2. Jan. 2017 5405 Ansichten by DORFbrunnen BeschreibungEmbed MYNTH is an electronic duo based in Vienna, made up of twins Mario and Giovanna Fartacek. The siblings have shared their lives since before they were born, and it is near impossible to put into words the special connection they have with each other. They have decided to take this connection even further by combining both of their passions for music. The result is MYNTH. Their music can be described as a mixture of trip-hop beats and skew analog synth-sounds, with vocals that are both fragile and emotionally-charged at the same time. The first EP "Polar Night", which was written and produced in the depth of Norwegian winters, was released on SEAYOU RECORDS along with their debut album Plaat ||. The duo immediately drew attention on the Austrian music scene, where they emerged as one of the best newcomers of 2015. Their main focus now is to develop beyond the German-speaking areas and submerge into the international music scene. Directed by Rupert Höller & Bernhard Wenger Director of Photography - Bernhard Schlick Editor – Rupert Höller Producer - Bernhard Wenger Starring - Giovanna Fartacek, Jessy Assistant Director – Felix Kalaivanan Assistant Camera – Albin Wildner Gaffer – Johannes Höß Best Boy – Oskar Uhlir, Adrian Bidron Effect Light – Johannes Schadl Production Design – Antonio Semeraro Costumer - Katharina Proksch Tarantula supervisor – Jackie Wulf Catering & PA – Mario Fartacek Special Thanks: Dock Yard Studio Peter Schöffer Sarah Mangelberger Christopher Macher Florian Bayer Filmakademie Wien Christopher Korkisch Reptilienzentrum Wien Gerhard Polaschek www.facebook.com/mynthmusic/ Share & Embed Embed this Video Link to this Video Add new comment Kommentar verfassen login or register to post comments. Musikvideo 1141 Videos, 38 Members #Tags MYNTH Rupert Höller Mario & Giovanna Fartacek Bernhard Wenger Electronic- Fusion- Pop Seayou Records wien More from Channel 00:04:19 Musikvideo von Mischkultur. Mischkultur - fliagn - Official Video Musikvideo since 9 years 6 months 00:02:24 The Torpeza is spontaneous und funny and at the same time, udder up in rhythmic movements which a Torpeza Ritmika Musikvideo since 8 years 6 months 00:00:00 Costa de la Muerte: Supa Linza Eis OK Musikvideo since 8 years 6 months 00:04:50 'Decrypted' by Listen To Leena. Listen To Leena | Decrypted Musikvideo since 8 years 9 months 00:00:30 FILM von Ulrike Swoboda-Ostermann MUSIK von Attwenger (SPOT, 2015) w Einfamilienhaus Musikvideo since 8 years 9 months 00:06:03 The Last Show is my diploma project at the Film Academy Baden-Württemberg. THE LAST SHOW Trailer Musikvideo since 8 years 9 months 00:02:58 Official video by System Jaquelinde Abby Lee Tee – SKIPPIN THRU TARKA T.O. 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