Crossing Europe Member since 14 years ago 01:02:27 Gäste: Siniša Vidović (Forafilm, Linz), Nicola von Leffern (Wien) TALK: Action! Durchstarten im Filmbusiness Crossing Europe since 2 years 8 months 00:55:27 Moderation: Karin Schmid Crossing Europe Preisverleihung Crossing Europe since 2 years 8 months 00:00:59 CROSSING EUROPE Festivaltrailer 2019: "BRACE FOR IMPACT" Crossing Europe 2019 Trailer Crossing Europe since 5 years 10 months 00:01:00 Trailer by Michael Wirthig Sounddesign by Mathias Burghofer Crossing Europe 2018 Trailer Crossing Europe since 6 years 9 months 00:00:47 Filmfestival Linz Trailer Crossing Europe 2017 Crossing Europe since 7 years 9 months 00:00:52 Crossing Europe 2016 Trailer Produktion: Jola Wieczorek Crossing Europe 2016 Trailer Crossing Europe since 8 years 11 months 02:23:44 MASTERCLASS SERGEI LOZNITSA Tribute Gast TALK mit Sergei Loznitsa - Crossing Europe Filmfestival 2015 Crossing Europe since 9 years 8 months 01:07:07 Aus dem OÖ Kulturquartier Live gesendet am 27. April 2015 Crossing Europe Filmfestival - Preisverleihung 2015 Crossing Europe since 9 years 8 months 00:14:16 AUTOPORTRETUL UNEI FETE CUMINTI / SELF-PORTRAIT OF A DUTIFUL DAUGHTER Rumänien 2015 Publikumsgespräch II - Crossing Europe Filmfestival 2015 Crossing Europe since 9 years 8 months 01:54:52 Gesprächsrunde vom Crossing Europe Filmfestival 2015 / Linz TALK: GENDER EQUALITY & FILM BUSINESS: A NEVER-ENDING STORY? Crossing Europe since 9 years 8 months 00:25:18 KREDITIS LIMITI / LINE OF CREDIT Georgien / Deutschland / Frankreich 2014 Publikumsgespräch I - Crossing Europe Filmfestival 2015 Crossing Europe since 9 years 8 months 00:00:45 Crossing Europe 2015 Trailer Produktion: Katharina Gruzei Crossing Europe 2015 Trailer Crossing Europe since 9 years 9 months