
EA2014 02 Franziska Bruckner

Created at 14. Apr. 2015

5762 Ansichten
by patfish

Expanded Animation 2014
Franziska Bruckner
Presentation: Hybrid Image, Hybrid Montage. Film analytical Parameters for Live Action/Animation Hybrids

Parameters for the classification of animation/live-action hybrids should be able to grasp the objects of investigation accurately, without leveling the differences between the diverging film forms. So far, the published literature often focuses on a historical investigation of distinctive hybrid feature films. In this lecture the presented film analytical typology sheds light on the formal characteristics of animation/live-action hybrids. It should be applicable to full-length movies as well as longer sequences, short scenes and even a few frames within a movie. Further more it includes all animation techniques and therefore dissolves the sometimes drawn separation of analog mixed films and digital hybrid films. The only premise is that the distinction between animation and live action needs to be recognizable to the viewer in some way. In the talk the introduced flexibly parameters are applied on selected experimental works of the Symposiums speakers/artists, in order to explore the advantages but also limits of this film analytical typology in the field of media art.


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