
EA2014 03 Robert Seidel

Created at 14. Apr. 2015

5175 Ansichten
by patfish

Expanded Animation 2014
Robert Seidel
Presentation: 10 Years after _grau: Confronting Experimental Film with Reality

Drawings form the basis for Seidel’s films, projections and installations. His goal is not to capture their end-state but different stages of their manifestations: the wrestling with each line, the fraying and foliating into complex webs or the dying off of entire ramifications. In dissolving boundaries of genre, by extending the clarity of the drawing – through the flow of painting, the spatiality of sculpture and temporal elements like movement and sound, an abstract-film narrative is created. Besides the silver screen, conceptual, as well as real visual projection surfaces include architectural and self-created or appropriated sculptural forms.

The material for these medial interlacings frequently originates in nature and in the abstracting gaze of science on nature, for example in the form of MRI images or 3D scans. Through subsequent deconstruction with analog and digital tools, it becomes possible – before the eyes of the recipient – to condense these entities into a rhizomatic memory structure independent from physical space and linear time. By the organic interplay of these various structural, spatial and temporal concepts, he creates a continuously evolving complexity. Out of this multifaceted perspective emerges a narrative skeleton, through which viewers connects to the artwork on an evolutionary-derived and phylogenetic-fixated symbolic level.


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