
AMRO18// Fieke Jansen - Blinded by Technology

Created at 6. Aug. 2018

5805 Ansichten
by servus

Presentation | Art Meets Radical Openness 2018
Festival dedicated to Art, Hacktivism & Open Culture.

The cloud of technology is blinding us. Efficiency and innovation are the buzzwords of the technology industry. To minimize the negative consequences of these technologies on society, critics are asking to regulate the physical infrastructure, for access to the algorithms and adequate privacy legislation to limit data misuse. In their eyes, all three should provide frameworks to govern the data society. This focus on technology and individual privacy is blinding us and preventing us from asking the questions: how and why did we end up here? We did not end up at the point where we are now by accident, and it is not a permanent state. This talk will not look at technology but at power. We will unpack the ideology that is shaping our vocabulary and understanding of society and explore how computation is creating a new dependency. We will look at the implications of quick solutions and unpack the power structures behind technology.


Fieke is a PhD Candidate at the Data Justice Lab of Cardiff University. Where she looks at the impact of data driven decision making on society. Prior, Fieke worked on issues around politics of data, privacy and digital security at Tactical Tech and Hivos. She is interested in understanding the new spaces, gray areas and changing dynamics that technology bring to the world.

Video licence: servus.at, CC BY-SA
Program: http://www.radical-openness.org/program/2018

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