
AMRO20_ LIGHTNING TALKS | Malte Steiner, Rita Graça, Simon Browne, Marloes de Valk, Z. Blace, Antonio Roberts

Created at 11. Jun. 2020

5074 Ansichten
by servus

3D Modeling With Open Source Tools and the Usage of Open Source 3D Engines in My Art

Malte Steiner

In this presentation Malte Steiner talks about his usage of 3D Engines in his art, from early experiments with VRML in the 90s via OpenSceneGraph in the 2000s till Godot today. Accessibility of the code to modify and expand the engines beyond their original intention was and is an important factor in choosing the right one.


Living Text: Two Collective Approaches
Rita Graça, Simon Browne, Marloes de Valk
Readers and writers of Codes of Conduct and the bootleg library. Simon Browne will introduce his project *bootleg library*, a particular, situated social infrastructure that operates from the understanding that the library is a collection of texts and readers. Rita Graça will guide us into the possibilities of Codes of Conduct, user guidelines, and other informal documents to manage online hate.


QUEERingNETWORKing — Webs Against Normal

Z. Blace

In the time when discussing the 'new normal' in media is a dominant trend of 'developed' world, while suppressed and critical voices are questioning who's normal it was...web practices that address normalcy and How?Who? they fail should help research, imagine and prototype what could be alternatives, or even appropriations that foreground care and needs for those who are always far from norms. WikiWiki%Lohi?


Sorry About That

Antonio Roberts

With galleries and venues closed, more artists, musicians, DJ's and other performers have started to explore live streaming as a way to continue to perform to an audience. In this area the issue of copyright enforcement and infringement still exists and is potentially worsened, with performances being disrupted or stopped due to copyright claims. In this talk I will ask how compatible live streaming is with copyright, especially when it is enforced by bots and algorithms.

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