
EA2022 – Welcome and Art & Industry (Martin Retschitzegger, Paul Pammesberger, Causa Creations)

Created at 8. Nov. 2022

1245 Ansichten
by dorf

The tenth edition of the Expanded Animation Symposium, organized by the Hagenberg Campus of the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria and Ars Electronica, will take place from September 9th to 11th as part of the Ars Electronica Festival 2022. Since 2013, the symposium has explored the collapsing boundaries within Digital Animation and has invited international artists, researchers and developers to present and discuss current positions and future trends.​

Welcome: Gerfried Stocker (AT) Juergen Hagler (AT) Alexander Wilhelm (AT)

Artists in this track: Martin Retschitzegger (AT/DE) Paul Pammesberger (AT/CA)

Causa Creations – Ben Wahl (AT) / Brian Main (AT/US)

Moderation: Jeremiah Diephuis (US/AT)

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