+ Tashi Gyeltshen about "The Red Door" Created at 6. Oct. 2014 5516 Ansichten by narrenkastl BeschreibungEmbed Tashi Gyeltshen talks about The Red Door. About Bhutan and the new lifestyle. Tashi Gyeltshen (1972) Autodidact filmmaker from Bhutan Girl with a Red Sky (2009) Sem Gi Jurwa (2010) The Red Door (2014) spezial thx to University Library Linz Share & Embed Embed this Video Link to this Video Add new comment Kommentar verfassen login or register to post comments. Open Space 3609 Videos, 2128 Members #Tags Kurzfilm interview die.fisch.die Tashi Gyeltshen The Red Door Bhutan shortfilm talk 2014 More from Channel 00:07:50 Ein Film von Andreas Toth. Antonio Vivaldi's FRÜHLING Open Space since 13 years 10 months 00:01:34 Trickfilmworkshop im Medien Kultur Haus Wels: Maus Katz Hund Open Space since 13 years 10 months 00:02:04 Trickfilmworkshop im Medien Kultur Haus Wels: Monsta Partey Open Space since 13 years 10 months 00:02:07 Trickfilmworkshop im Medien Kultur Haus Wels: Die Verwandlung im Weltall Open Space since 13 years 10 months 01:48:30 ECHT/FALSCH. HOCHKONJUNKTUR DER FÄLSCHER Smoke on the Water 23.3.2011 Open Space since 13 years 10 months 00:09:04 Was ist Kino. Ein Film von Andreas Toth. Was ist Kino Open Space since 13 years 10 months 00:00:45 Trickfilmworkshop im Medien Kultur Haus Wels: Resul´s Traum Open Space since 13 years 10 months 00:07:42 Ein Samstag-Nachmittag Ausflug zum Almsee in Grünau. pocket tv: Spaziergang um den Almsee Open Space since 13 years 10 months 00:38:43 Hermannstadt Geschichte Österreichische Kulturwoche Ungarische Kulturwoche Ein Film von Andreas Hermannstadt Open Space since 13 years 10 months 00:03:53 Ein Film von Andreas Toth. Frühling Sonate Open Space since 13 years 10 months 00:00:51 Trickfilmworkshop im Medien Kultur Haus Wels: Tiny Wings Open Space since 13 years 9 months 00:18:36 Poesie im Tiergarten Walding. Ein Film von Andreas Toth. Poesie im Tiergarten Walding Open Space since 13 years 9 months Mehr vom User 00:29:59 ; ) narrenkastl für mai narrenkastl since 13 years 9 months 00:29:59 narrrenkastl das erste experiment Narrenkastl folge 4 narrenkastl since 13 years 11 months 00:30:00 NarrenKastl #6. Sendung von Fisch. NarrenKastl #6 narrenkastl since 13 years 8 months 00:26:01 OPEN COMMONS_KONGRESS Leben und Lernen mit digitalen Gemeingütern Open Commons Keynote 2014 Open Commons Linz since 10 years 8 months 00:16:30 Radio Show vom Festival der Regionen mit Mario. zu Gast: Es ist höchste Eisenbahn Teil III - zu Gast: Manfred Mader W pockit FDR 2011 since 13 years 7 months 00:15:01 a little bit of something poesie & musik - festival der regionen pockit FDR 2011 since 13 years 7 months 00:52:12 Benny will Lokführer werden, Clara wird ganz sicher Prinzessin, Hansi Feuerwehrmann, Maria, die w Kinderklangwolke 2014 DORFTV. Redaktion since 10 years 4 months 00:39:31 Johann Jaschas filmisches Auge bei der Eröffnung von Zechyrs Ausstellung im Palais Harrach mit A Zechyr im Palais Harrach Open Space since 13 years 3 months 00:09:26 Besuch bei der Wear Fair 2014 in der Tabakfabrik Linz Wear Fair 2014 Open Space since 10 years 4 months 00:13:01 Tashi Gyeltshen talks about The Red Door. About Bhutan and the new lifestyle. Tashi Gyeltshen about "The Red Door" Open Space since 10 years 4 months 00:15:31 Red Door (The) 2014 The Red Door (short) by Tashi Gyeltshen Filme auf DORFTV since 10 years 4 months More like this 00:15:31 Red Door (The) 2014 The Red Door (short) by Tashi Gyeltshen Filme auf DORFTV since 10 years 4 months 00:07:05 ▲ ▲ The unused word ▲ ▲ madhou5e interview - The unused word madhou5e since 10 years 7 months 00:45:44 ▲ ▲ The unused word ▲ ▲ madhou5e - The unused word madhou5e since 10 years 8 months 02:32:27 3D Modeling With Open Source Tools and the Usage of Open Source 3D Engines in My Art AMRO20_ LIGHTNING TALKS | Malte Steiner, Rita Graça, Simon B servus.at since 4 years 8 months 00:28:49 Expanded Animation 2014 Mario von Rickenbach EA2014 06 Mario von Rickenbach Expanded Animation since 9 years 10 months 00:51:11 LiWoli - Art Meets Radical Openness. 24.-26.5.2012, Linz. LiWoLi 2012 - David Young / Precognitive Systems / Cyberneti servus.at since 12 years 8 months 00:12:11 It's hard to find a new job, especially when your only expertise is to knock someone out in front CYROK Open Space since 10 years 5 months 01:04:10 LAIBACH Interrogation Machine. LAIBACH - Interrogation Machine, Part 3 DORFTV. link since 12 years 11 months 00:56:37 LAIBACH Interrogation Machine. LAIBACH - Interrogation Machine, Part 2 DORFTV. link since 12 years 11 months 00:43:05 LAIBACH Interrogation Machine. LAIBACH - Interrogation Machine, Part 1 DORFTV. link since 12 years 11 months 00:03:33 Red Voyce & Bobso Architect are performing the song "Mwana Mabe" extracted from the EP "Le Ga RED VOYCE - MWANA MABE ft Bobso Architect Musikvideo since 4 years