+ Mariko HORI - ''swing,fishermen or confiture'', the airing project Created at 20. Feb. 2015 6166 Ansichten by DORFbrunnen BeschreibungEmbed The airing project is an ongoing project in which Mariko Hori installed small objects all over the city. The unexpected objects provide the viewer with a sudden and refreshing moment.For example, non-art objects in an art museum may be perceived as art works. And a similar sense may be revealed in daily life,if we were to realize that there could be art objects all over the city. In this exhibition, she is trying to focus on what is missing in our daily lives. After a long period of travelling, she thought: wherever I am, I would miss being somewhere else. She couldn’t help but feel and think about what is important to us as human beings, of things that could be both useless and necessary at the same time. These are several small installations made from clippings in the gallery. They might be difficult to spot but you can find several collage works from the missing part of clippings on the walls that could be clues to find them. http://flavors.me/korimariho Share & Embed Embed this Video Link to this Video Add new comment Kommentar verfassen login or register to post comments. Kunst 217 Videos, 4 Members Playlists #Tags art mariko hori Kunst More from Channel 01:02:38 Maschinenhalle # 1 Maschinenhalle # 1 Kunst since 13 years 6 months 00:37:46 Johann Jascha zu Gast bei Reichl & Partner über Kopfstücke Johann Jascha - Reichl und Partner Kunst since 13 years 1 month 00:04:14 Produced by LAB ON STAGE 2016 A soap opereta Kunst since 7 years 11 months 00:03:22 Ein Film von Sohvi Viik . music by Kaspar Kalluste, Tarvi Kull and J. 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