Am 30. Mar. 2021 | 19:45 Uhr + March 30 2021 | Tresor Linz | canceled but not canceled | CHRA Created at 29. Mar. 2021 2776 Ansichten by Tresor Linz BeschreibungEmbed canceled but not canceled - live broadcasting of sound art concerts and more with no audience from Tresor Linz on dorf tv CHRA - Tresor Linz - recorded on March 30 2021 Spezielle Zeiten brauchen spezielle Lösungen. Nach dem Motto „stay home, stay healthy“ hat sich der Tresor Linz aus gegebenen Anlass und weil Kunst sich nicht von einem Virus unterkriegen lassen darf, dazu entschieden euch weiterhin mit Klangkunst und mehr zu versorgen! Die Serie canceled but not canceled steht für ein Programm das nicht wie üblich im Tresor Linz vor Publikum gezeigt werden kann dafür aber live auf dorftv mitverfolgt werden und steht als Stream zur Verfügung. Tresor Linz | Verein zur Förderung von Klangkunst und künstlerischen SPENDEN / DONATIONS english below ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Liebe Leute, wenn ihr uns unterstützen wollt das geht noch immer: Vor dem Veranstaltungsverbot waren die meisten der Konzerte des Tresor Linz spendenbasiert um sie einem breiten Publikum zu ermöglichen. Wir haben uns mit der Reihe „canceled but not canceled“ dazu entschieden auch in der Quarantäne Performances zu veranstalten die online oder im TV live miterlebt werden können dank der technischen Unterstützung von dorftv. Unsere Konzerte finden momentan ohne Publikum - und somit ohne Spenden statt. Wir haben zwar Förderungen jedoch sind diese auch begrenzt, um das Streamingprogramm weiterhin aufrecht erhalten zu können und Musiker*innen und den Verein in der jetzigen Situation zu unterstützen freuen wir uns über Spenden auf digitalem weg. Kontodaten: Bank: Sparkasse Oberösterreich / KontoinhaberIn: Verein z. Förder. v.Klangkunst u. k IBAN: AT22 2032 0321 0045 5976 / BIC: ASPKAT2LXXX /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// If you want to support us, it is still possible: Before the ban of public events, most of the Tresor Linz concerts were donation-based in order to make them accessible to a wide audience. With the series "canceled but not canceled" we have decided to also hold performances during quarantine that can be experienced live online or on TV, thanks to the technical support of dorftv. Our concerts are currently taking place without an audience - and therefore without donations. We do have funding but it they are very limited, in order to keep the streaming program running and to support performers and our association in the current situation we are happy to receive donations digitally. Account details: Bank: Sparkasse Oberösterreich / Account holder: Verein z. Förder. v.Klangkunst u. k IBAN: AT22 2032 0321 0045 5976 / BIC: ASPKAT2LXXX Share & Embed Embed this Video Link to this Video Add new comment Kommentar verfassen login or register to post comments. Tresor Linz 54 Videos, 2 Members #Tags Klangkunst chra Soundart Verein zur Förderung von Klangkunst und künstlerischen Experimenten Tresor Noise Tresor Linz More from Channel 00:20:51 canceled but not canceled - live broadcasting of sound art concerts and more without audience fro June 09 2020 | Tresor Linz | canceled but not canceled | RS Tresor Linz since 4 years 8 months 00:25:57 canceled but not canceled - live broadcasting of sound art concerts and more without audience fro July 21 2020 | Tresor Linz | canceled but not canceled | Abr Tresor Linz since 4 years 8 months 00:35:58 canceled but not canceled - live broadcasting of sound art concerts and more without audience fro April 21 2020 | Tresor Linz | canceled but not canceled | St Tresor Linz since 4 years 10 months 00:31:56 canceled but not canceled - live broadcasting of sound art concerts and more without audience fro April 28 2020 | Tresor Linz | canceled but not canceled | dr Tresor Linz since 4 years 10 months 00:28:08 canceled but not canceled - live broadcasting of sound art concerts and more without audience fro May 12 2020 | Tresor Linz | canceled but not canceled | Rein Tresor Linz since 4 years 10 months 00:27:59 canceled but not canceled - live broadcasting of sound art concerts and more without audience fro May 26 2020 | Tresor Linz | canceled but not canceled | Stef Tresor Linz since 4 years 10 months 00:29:17 Spezielle Zeiten brauchen spezielle Lösungen. March 17 2020 | Tresor Linz | canceled but not canceled | Re Tresor Linz since 4 years 11 months 00:29:01 canceled but not canceled - live broadcasting of sound art concerts and more without audience fro March 24 2020 | Tresor Linz | canceled but not canceled | M Tresor Linz since 4 years 10 months 00:40:06 Oct 27 2022 | Tresor Linz I canceled but not canceled I Pass Tresor Linz since 2 years 3 months 00:34:01 Oct. 19 2021 | Tresor Linz | canceled but not canceled I Sub Tresor Linz since 3 years 3 months 00:27:06 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<& Nov. 30 2021 | Tresor Linz | canceled but not canceled I KM Tresor Linz since 3 years 2 months 00:57:24 canceled but not canceled - live broadcasting of sound art concerts and more with no audience fro Mai 11 2021 | Tresor Linz | canceled but not canceled | Daph Tresor Linz since 3 years 9 months Mehr vom User 00:20:51 canceled but not canceled - live broadcasting of sound art concerts and more without audience fro June 09 2020 | Tresor Linz | canceled but not canceled | RS Tresor Linz since 4 years 8 months 00:25:57 canceled but not canceled - live broadcasting of sound art concerts and more without audience fro July 21 2020 | Tresor Linz | canceled but not canceled | Abr Tresor Linz since 4 years 8 months 00:35:58 canceled but not canceled - live broadcasting of sound art concerts and more without audience fro April 21 2020 | Tresor Linz | canceled but not canceled | St Tresor Linz since 4 years 10 months 00:31:56 canceled but not canceled - live broadcasting of sound art concerts and more without audience fro April 28 2020 | Tresor Linz | canceled but not canceled | dr Tresor Linz since 4 years 10 months 00:28:08 canceled but not canceled - live broadcasting of sound art concerts and more without audience fro May 12 2020 | Tresor Linz | canceled but not canceled | Rein Tresor Linz since 4 years 10 months 00:27:59 canceled but not canceled - live broadcasting of sound art concerts and more without audience fro May 26 2020 | Tresor Linz | canceled but not canceled | Stef Tresor Linz since 4 years 10 months 00:29:17 Spezielle Zeiten brauchen spezielle Lösungen. March 17 2020 | Tresor Linz | canceled but not canceled | Re Tresor Linz since 4 years 11 months 00:29:01 canceled but not canceled - live broadcasting of sound art concerts and more without audience fro March 24 2020 | Tresor Linz | canceled but not canceled | M Tresor Linz since 4 years 10 months 00:40:06 Oct 27 2022 | Tresor Linz I canceled but not canceled I Pass Tresor Linz since 2 years 3 months 00:34:01 Oct. 19 2021 | Tresor Linz | canceled but not canceled I Sub Tresor Linz since 3 years 3 months More like this 00:39:48 canceled but not canceled - live broadcasting of sound art concerts and more without audience fro June 23 2020 | Tresor Linz | canceled but not canceled | Jak Tresor Linz since 4 years 8 months 00:57:24 canceled but not canceled - live broadcasting of sound art concerts and more with no audience fro Mai 11 2021 | Tresor Linz | canceled but not canceled | Daph Tresor Linz since 3 years 9 months 00:53:53 canceled but not canceled - live broadcasting of sound art concerts and more without audience fro July 07 2020 | Tresor Linz | canceled but not canceled | Mal Tresor Linz since 4 years 8 months 00:43:13 canceled but not canceled - live broadcasting of sound art concerts and more with no audience fro December 08 2020 | Tresor Linz | canceled but not canceled | Tresor Linz since 4 years 2 months 00:25:57 canceled but not canceled - live broadcasting of sound art concerts and more without audience fro July 21 2020 | Tresor Linz | canceled but not canceled | Abr Tresor Linz since 4 years 8 months 00:29:09 canceled but not canceled - live broadcasting of sound art concerts and more with limited audienc August 18 2020 | Tresor Linz | canceled but not canceled | F Tresor Linz since 4 years 8 months 00:20:51 canceled but not canceled - live broadcasting of sound art concerts and more without audience fro June 09 2020 | Tresor Linz | canceled but not canceled | RS Tresor Linz since 4 years 8 months 00:46:45 canceled but not canceled - live broadcasting of sound art concerts and more with no audience fro November 20 2020 | Tresor Linz | canceled but not canceled | Tresor Linz since 4 years 2 months 00:40:06 canceled but not canceled - live broadcasting of sound art concerts and more with no audience fro December 15 2020 | Tresor Linz | canceled but not canceled Tresor Linz since 4 years 2 months 00:37:46 canceled but not canceled - live broadcasting of sound art concerts and more with no audience fro Juni 08 2021 | Tresor Linz | canceled but not canceled | Co Tresor Linz since 3 years 7 months 00:40:34 canceled but not canceled - live broadcasting of sound art concerts and more without audience fro April 14 2020 | Tresor Linz | canceled but not canceled | Vi Tresor Linz since 4 years 10 months 00:41:42 canceled but not canceled - live broadcasting of sound art concerts and more with limited audienc August 04 2020 | Tresor Linz | canceled but not canceled - Tresor Linz since 4 years 8 months