
Don´t you world me - Panel Discussion @ Klangmanifeste 21

Created at 2. Aug. 2021

1762 Ansichten
by echoraeume

Podiumsdiskussion "Don´t you world me!"
Mechanisms of Exclusion and Inclusion in contemporary music and sound art
mit: Golnar Shahyar, Bernhard Günter, Rosa Reitsamer

Contemporary music is strongly influenced by a Eurocentric, normative concept of art. Although this diction is increasingly being questioned and reflected on, it is omnipresent in daily routines, tradition and performance practice. The term "world music" is an example of how musical forms outside of this canon are interpreted in a simplistic way and put into a drawer. This year's panel discussion is dedicated to these questions about music creation in the context of exchange, mobility, internationality, migration and network.
Klangmanifeste, March 2021

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