
Dacid Go8lin- Burrnesha Mirror Performance

Created at 11. May. 2014

15479 Ansichten
by DORFbrunnen

Mirror BURRNESHA ( 1) , transformation phoinix

1989 is the year that completely changed the world order and its proclaimed marked " end of ideologies " .

The political and economic collapse of the so-called " real socialism " and the disintegration of the " Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia 'was life changing. The former Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic quash the autonomy of Kosovo and sends troops to quell the protests there. Separisten call from the Republic of Kosovo , which is recognized by the neighboring country as soon Albania.
Throughout the conflict, hundreds of thousands of inhabitants of Kosovo are on the run . The women in Kosovo suffer sexual aggression , humiliation and mass rape as a weapon of war . The flight to Europe , including to Austria for many is the last hope .

Since the fall of the Berlin Wall and the Iron Curtain in 1989, in Austria is a new theme - the foreigners.

Austria : racism, exclusion , sexism , intolerance, violence, exclusion , poverty, insecurity ...

But resistance , emancipation , body as a protest , body Inszinierungen , aesthetic strategies , experiment , Bricolage , protest songs ...

In the video I show a snippet of my life and a critical examination of the nomination of bodies (with all facets of their identities ) and the associated discrimination from norm - deviating . My goal is to make normalities and knotted it mechanisms and processes of social exclusion and standardization mechanisms visible and criticize .

My artistic work ranges from visualizations traumatic sequences up to the re-enactment of past experiences in historical and political context of the Kosovo process of emancipation in Austria . My body acts as a trace , as a story , as a reminder and resistance. In the focus fall desexualized and sexual transit dreams , cultural and political conflict zones , mental and medial spaces of memory and expectation , as well as transnational social spaces.

Lyrics are to bodies and body to song lyrics. Body is writing , acting and presenting.

The treatment of my body in terms of sexuality, power , passion , violence , Precersion , language, memory and history are central to my artistic work . In my body are the boundaries between perpetrators and victims , how permeable between power and powerlessness . In my mirror performance I work the effects of borders and border and border crossings on the body : repression , marginalization , exclusion and oppression , the confrontation between desire and penalties , between sexuality and power are here topic.

The sworn virgins are the only institutionalized form of "cross- Geneva in Europe.

With this " Queering Hip-Hop " video I break the heteronomativen finishes and gender boundaries . It is about the utopia of Veränbarkeit the repressive gender relations and of a liberation of sexuality. My artistic work is a counter-proposal to the social orientation to heterosexual relationships as the norm and ideal.

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