+ Adrián Dozetas - Writtenportraits / Escritoretratos Session - KuhlTours / Kunst Halle - Linz, Austria 2020 Created at 24. Jul. 2020 1891 Ansichten by Monica Vlad BeschreibungEmbed Adrián Dozetas ist ein polyartistischer Künstler aus Argentinien, der sich in Wien niedergelassen hat.Er arbeitet in verschiedenen Bereichen (Theater, Malerei, Performance, Poesie, Roman, Fotografie, Kino). Wie funktioniert seine Writtenportraits? Adrián Dozetas lädt das Publikum vor sich ein, mit seiner Schreibmaschine dazwischen. Er sieht zu, spielt, dann schreibt ein Gedicht. Am Ende gibt das Gedicht als Geschenk. Diese Aufführung besteht aus dem spontanen Schreiben von Porträts auf der Schreibmaschine vor dem Hintergrund improvisierter Musik. The Written-Portraits ist eine Performance, die Adrián Dozetas im Rahmen seiner Touren zum Lesen von Gedichten auf der Welt spielt. Video credits: Camera: Daniel Bierdümpfl Live-music-soundtrack: Aron Hollinger, Gizem Kuş, Sven Becker Mehr Informationen: http://dozetas.com https://www.instagram.com/dozetology/ Share & Embed Embed this Video Link to this Video Add new comment Kommentar verfassen login or register to post comments. European Artists 30 Videos, 1 Members Playlists #Tags Poetry literature interdisziplinär adriandozetas writtenportrait Gedichte poesía More from Channel 00:01:52 Marginal Business ist eine Sammlung von Gedichten, die unterwegs, in Ländern, in Menschen, in Lan Dozetas - Business Marginal European Artists since 4 years 8 months 00:01:54 What is important about Dozetas? Did I ever publish a book? No. Dozetas - Reading Performance Intro European Artists since 4 years 8 months 00:03:59 These are the stories the Lighthouse entrusts to us. Makunouchi Bento - Telegrams for the Little Sea Winds European Artists since 4 years 8 months 00:00:20 Intro European Artists European Artists since 4 years 8 months 00:01:54 What is important about Dozetas? Did I ever publish a book? No. Dozetas - Reading Performance Tour European Artists since 4 years 8 months 00:02:28 A reinterpretation of Constantin Brâncuși's ''The Gate of The Kiss'' by video artist Adistu, who The Gate of The Kiss European Artists since 4 years 8 months 00:09:30 Acid Dreams - music by Musume, video by Adistu. Musume - Acid Dreams European Artists since 4 years 8 months 00:04:02 Music by E.U.E.R.P.I. and Plamen Ibishev Video by Adistu Hobotnik European Artists since 4 years 8 months 00:02:06 Video by Adistu' Music by Rodion G.A. Free Colors European Artists since 4 years 8 months 00:03:33 The primordial cook stirs, sculpts and domesticates raw energy for the benefit of creating the ul Lumen Ambrosia European Artists since 4 years 8 months 00:04:03 xxluvsx track 07 - BasicX from album "Electric Trip" xxluvsx - BasicX European Artists since 4 years 8 months 00:01:00 Follow Silent Strike: www.silentstrike.ro Silent Strike & Makunouchi Bento - Fingers Gliding European Artists since 4 years 8 months Mehr vom User 00:01:52 Marginal Business ist eine Sammlung von Gedichten, die unterwegs, in Ländern, in Menschen, in Lan Dozetas - Business Marginal European Artists since 4 years 8 months 00:01:54 What is important about Dozetas? Did I ever publish a book? No. Dozetas - Reading Performance Intro European Artists since 4 years 8 months 00:03:59 These are the stories the Lighthouse entrusts to us. Makunouchi Bento - Telegrams for the Little Sea Winds European Artists since 4 years 8 months 00:00:20 Intro European Artists European Artists since 4 years 8 months 00:01:54 What is important about Dozetas? Did I ever publish a book? No. Dozetas - Reading Performance Tour European Artists since 4 years 8 months 00:02:28 A reinterpretation of Constantin Brâncuși's ''The Gate of The Kiss'' by video artist Adistu, who The Gate of The Kiss European Artists since 4 years 8 months 00:09:30 Acid Dreams - music by Musume, video by Adistu. Musume - Acid Dreams European Artists since 4 years 8 months 00:04:02 Music by E.U.E.R.P.I. and Plamen Ibishev Video by Adistu Hobotnik European Artists since 4 years 8 months 00:02:06 Video by Adistu' Music by Rodion G.A. Free Colors European Artists since 4 years 8 months 00:03:33 The primordial cook stirs, sculpts and domesticates raw energy for the benefit of creating the ul Lumen Ambrosia European Artists since 4 years 8 months 00:04:03 xxluvsx track 07 - BasicX from album "Electric Trip" xxluvsx - BasicX European Artists since 4 years 8 months 00:01:00 Follow Silent Strike: www.silentstrike.ro Silent Strike & Makunouchi Bento - Fingers Gliding European Artists since 4 years 8 months More like this 00:03:32 Written-portraits (Escrito-retratos) by Dozetas Dozetas - Written portraits European Artists since 4 years 7 months 00:01:52 Marginal Business ist eine Sammlung von Gedichten, die unterwegs, in Ländern, in Menschen, in Lan Dozetas - Business Marginal European Artists since 4 years 8 months 00:04:27 Hallstatt AIR | Markus Guschelbauer Hallstatt AIR 2021 since 3 years 4 months 00:05:04 https://www.de-zentral.at/home/ Moderation: Katrin Hallstatt AIR | Tomaž Simatović, András Meszerics, Mirjam St Hallstatt AIR 2021 since 3 years 4 months 00:05:31 Auf der Suche nach aufregenden Positionen der zeitgenössischen Malerei sind wir vor einigen Jahre POLKA / Christoph Ruckhäberle MKH-TV since 10 years 11 months 00:03:33 Das Wort UMSTEIGEN ist Ausgangspunkt für einen begehbaren Textteppich, Anfangswort einer verbalen Aussteigen, Umsteigen, Einsteigen - Spaziergang durch die In pockit FDR 2011 since 13 years 7 months 00:10:18 https://www.medienkulturhaus.at/studio17 STEPHAN BRUGGER - 10 Minuten Kunst #2 // Studio 17 MKH-TV since 3 years 10 months 01:15:29 Die Gütigen Darstellende Kunst von Elli Papakonstantinou (GR) Die Gütigen Durchlauferhitzer since 5 years 6 months 00:02:58 EGON HOFMANN–LINZ Künstler Industrieller Kosmopolit EGON HOFMANN–LINZ Lentos / Nordico since 4 years 11 months 00:06:10 Ausschnitte der Stücke hellettige Eisgål ( Christopher Haritzer ) SEPP am Schiff Musikvideo since 6 years 00:59:47 Ein Nachmittagsgespräch mit Julia Müllegger (Kino Ebensee) Nachtschicht im LichtSpielArbeit Festival der Regionen since 9 years 6 months 00:04:53 Duo Satorre Ramirez Duo Ramirez Satorre - “Cielo Abierto” Musikvideo since 8 years 1 month