Am 16. May. 2022 | 18:00 Uhr „Climate neutrality in the energy intensive industry – a challenge to us all“ by Irmela Kofler Created at 16. May. 2022 by s4f_ooe BeschreibungEmbed Dr. Irmela Kofler holds a PhD in process engineering from Graz University of Technology, was employed by VTU Engineering and Siemens VAI as a process technologist, and has been head of the research area „Low Carbon Energy Systems“ at K1-MET, the Competence Center for Metallurgy, since 2015. Share & Embed Embed this Video Link to this Video Add new comment Kommentar verfassen login or register to post comments. Scientists For Future 36 Videos, 2 Members Playlists #Tags Irmela Kofler More from Channel 01:05:23 Wissen4Future Teil 7: Habitat Erde: Biodiversität, Landwirtschaft und Landnutzung Wissen4Future Teil 7: Habitat Erde: Biodiversität, Landwirt Scientists For Future since 1 year 1 month Fragen: Lectures4Future OÖ: "Praxiseinblicke in die Klimakoordinatio Scientists For Future since 3 years 1 month Einflussfaktoren auf umweltbezogenes Verhalten Lectures4Future OÖ - Umweltpsychologie Scientists For Future since 3 years musste wegen Krankheit abgesagt werden von Alexander Jäger ABGESAGT: Lectures4Future OÖ: AT "Biotreibstoffe, eine Alter Scientists For Future since 2 years 9 months 01:06:23 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Wissen4Future Teil 2: Direkte Konsequenzen Scientists For Future since 2 years 00:52:40 Priv. Doz. Dr. Wissen4Future Teil 3: Medizinische Aspekte des Klimawandels Scientists For Future since 2 years “Vibrant Matter and Human Compost: Re-Making the Connection between Humans Beings, other Lectures4Future “Vibrant Matter and Human Compost" by Aloisi Scientists For Future since 3 years 6 months 01:30:41 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ernst Langthaler ist Historiker an der Johannes Kepler Universität (JKU). Lectures4Future: “Fleisch im 'Anthropozän': Eine Rückschau i Scientists For Future since 3 years 6 months 00:50:03 Dr. med. Klaus Renoldner, M.Sc. is a doctor and sustainability researcher. Lectures4Future: “Climate Change and Health - the Triple Be Scientists For Future since 3 years 6 months 01:29:09 Online-Podiumsdiskussion im Vorfeld des Klimastreiks am 19.3.2021 Mittwoch, 17.3.2021, 18.00 – 20 Lectures4Future: Jetzt mit dem Klimaschutz ernst machen! Scientists For Future since 3 years 6 months DI Hans-Jürgen Baschinger ist seit 17 Jahren bei der Oberösterreichischen Umweltanwaltschaft. „Österreichs Weg nach Paris in 20 Jahren“ von Hans-Jürgen Ba Scientists For Future since 2 years 5 months Abstract S4F „System Dynamics for Future?“ by Nathalie Spittler Scientists For Future since 2 years 6 months Mehr vom User Abstract S4F „System Dynamics for Future?“ by Nathalie Spittler Scientists For Future since 2 years 6 months Dr. „Climate neutrality in the energy intensive industry – a cha Scientists For Future since 2 years 6 months 01:12:55 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ernst Langthaler ist Historiker an der Johannes Kepler Universität (JKU). "Fleisch im 'Anthropozän': Eine Rückschau" von Ernst Langtha Scientists For Future since 2 years 8 months More like this 01:00:48 Assoc. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Lectures For Future: “Utilizing CO2 - from climate killer to Scientists For Future since 3 years 7 months 00:31:04 Felipe Castelblanco talks at symposium "Vaping Networks - Will an Organic Internet save Research Lab 2019: The Cloud, The Forest and The Clouds. since 4 years 10 months 00:45:58 For today’s talk the At home with… studio opens its door to Emiko Ogawa, a Japanese curator and a At home with… Emiko Ogawa Ars Electronica since 3 years 6 months 00:36:35 Ars Electronica 2015 FH Hagenberg Expanded Animation 2015 - Erick Oh (KR): Animation to illust FH HAGENBERG since 8 years 4 months 00:28:05 Christian Kurz Senior Vice President Viacom's Global Consumer Insights Fernsehen zählt auch in Zukunft - Interview mit Christian Ku DORFTV. Redaktion since 5 years 6 months 00:09:20 Exklusivinterview mit Christian Kurz Senior Vice President Fernsehen ist der wichtigste Unterhaltungsschirm LIWEST - Networked Programm since 5 years 7 months 01:53:05 Keylecture by Elena Knox (AU) Incl. Feminist AI lecture series: Keylecture by Elena Knox Incl. d FIF TV since 1 year 2 months 01:08:42 Tresor Linz - recorded on April 09 2024 Lint by Lunar | Sandra Muciño | Tresor Linz | April 09 2024 Tresor Linz since 7 months 00:47:34 OPEN DESIGN SYMPOSIUM Art University Linz, 23.5.2012 Open Design Symposium Art University Linz / #4 - Peter Kirn Open Design Symposium Kunstuni Linz since 12 years 6 months 01:08:54 Animal language, animal music: Are language and music exclusively human? Animal Music Symposium: Animal language, animal music DORFTV. Redaktion since 7 years 5 months 01:13:38 Univ.-Prof. Dr. “Will there be enough water in the future to feed us all?” b Scientists For Future since 3 years 5 months 00:33:58 AMRO24: Dancing at the Crossroads, 8-11th May 2024 AMRO24: Ideal Behavior by KairUs since 2 weeks 4 days