+ Rfid: ARMIN MEDOSCH Created at 28. Sep. 2010 6880 Ansichten by servus BeschreibungEmbed ARMIN MEDOSCH www.thenextlayer.org Autor, Künstler und Kurator. Arbeitet im Bereich Medienkunst und Netzkultur. Untersucht Beziehungen zwischen Kunst und Freier Software an den Digital Studios der Goldsmiths University of London. Gründungsredakteur des Online-Magazins Telepolis; Autor der Bücher „Netzpiraten“ und „Freie Netze“. www.servus.at/rfid Share & Embed Embed this Video Link to this Video Add new comment Kommentar verfassen login or register to post comments. servus.at 135 Videos, 2 Members #Tags RFID neue Technologien More from Channel 00:16:24 If you are interested in this topic you might work with a bunch of people on various topics. XR SOS - Decentralized organizational models - servus.at since 4 years 9 months 00:10:22 DIPL. ING. Rfid: DIPL. ING. CHRISTOPHER LINDINGER servus.at since 14 years 4 months 01:09:06 servus CoreNightHike presents Miss Baltazar's Laboratory servus.at CoreNightHike presents Miss Baltazar`s Laboratory servus.at since 11 years 2 months 00:55:41 Valie Djordjevic / Transparency and obfuscation Valie Djordjevic - Transparency and obfuscation / AMRO 2014 servus.at since 10 years 8 months 00:44:09 Tatiana Bazzichelli / Disrupting Business Tatiana Bazzichelli - Disrupting Business: Towards a Critiqu servus.at since 10 years 8 months 01:08:43 For most of us consumers electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets, notebooks, printers or Behind the Smart World - Über Fragen von Verwertbarkeit und servus.at since 9 years 8 months 02:03:34 In this video the artists involved in the Next Cloud Atelierhaus present their project in a final Next Cloud Atelierhaus - Final Studio Visit servus.at since 2 years 9 months 01:18:32 Festival ART MEETS RADICAL OPENNESS 2016 Felix Stalder: Radical Openness & the Crisis servus.at since 8 years 8 months 00:18:41 ARMIN MEDOSCH www.thenextlayer.org Rfid: ARMIN MEDOSCH servus.at since 14 years 4 months 00:24:06 UNIV.-PROF. DR. Rfid: UNIV.-PROF. DR. ALOIS FERSCHA servus.at since 14 years 4 months 00:00:00 Frisch von der internationalen Drupal Konferenz in Prag gibt Markus Panholzer einen Überblick, wi CoreNightHike @ servus Clubraum / Drupal – CMS / FRAMEWORK - servus.at since 11 years 1 month 00:10:09 DR. Rfid: DR. MARC LANGHEINRICH servus.at since 14 years 4 months Mehr vom User 00:16:24 If you are interested in this topic you might work with a bunch of people on various topics. XR SOS - Decentralized organizational models - servus.at since 4 years 9 months 00:51:08 Ars Electronica Nightline Stadtwerkstatt 2013 Sonntag, 8. September 2013 Wanda & Nova deViator (sl) – Pacification Stadtwerkstatt_Live since 11 years 5 months 00:10:22 DIPL. ING. Rfid: DIPL. ING. CHRISTOPHER LINDINGER servus.at since 14 years 4 months 01:09:06 servus CoreNightHike presents Miss Baltazar's Laboratory servus.at CoreNightHike presents Miss Baltazar`s Laboratory servus.at since 11 years 2 months 02:03:34 In this video the artists involved in the Next Cloud Atelierhaus present their project in a final Next Cloud Atelierhaus - Final Studio Visit servus.at since 2 years 9 months 00:18:41 ARMIN MEDOSCH www.thenextlayer.org Rfid: ARMIN MEDOSCH servus.at since 14 years 4 months 00:24:06 UNIV.-PROF. DR. Rfid: UNIV.-PROF. DR. ALOIS FERSCHA servus.at since 14 years 4 months 00:00:00 Frisch von der internationalen Drupal Konferenz in Prag gibt Markus Panholzer einen Überblick, wi CoreNightHike @ servus Clubraum / Drupal – CMS / FRAMEWORK - servus.at since 11 years 1 month 00:10:09 DR. Rfid: DR. MARC LANGHEINRICH servus.at since 14 years 4 months 00:06:20 Die Animation zeigt, dass der Einsatz von RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) eine unsichtbare, Nichts zu verbergen? Kleine Funk-Chips auf Reisen (RFID) servus.at since 14 years 4 months 00:50:13 LiWoli - Art Meets Radical Openness. 24.-26.5.2012, Linz. LiWoLi 2012 - Restlichtverstärker / Servando Barreiro & Malt servus.at since 12 years 8 months 00:28:41 AMRO24: Dancing at the Crossroads, 8-11th May 2024 AMRO24: Away from the “Internet of Ecocide” by Vesna Manojlo servus.at since 4 months 2 weeks More like this 00:10:09 DR. Rfid: DR. MARC LANGHEINRICH servus.at since 14 years 4 months 00:24:06 UNIV.-PROF. DR. Rfid: UNIV.-PROF. DR. ALOIS FERSCHA servus.at since 14 years 4 months 00:10:22 DIPL. ING. Rfid: DIPL. ING. CHRISTOPHER LINDINGER servus.at since 14 years 4 months 00:14:35 MAG. DR. ELISABETH HÖDL www.court.at Rfid: MAG. DR. ELISABETH HÖDL servus.at since 14 years 4 months 00:15:18 RENA TANGENS www.foebud.de Rfid: RENA TANGENS servus.at since 14 years 4 months 00:06:20 Die Animation zeigt, dass der Einsatz von RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) eine unsichtbare, Nichts zu verbergen? Kleine Funk-Chips auf Reisen (RFID) servus.at since 14 years 4 months 01:33:52 Über die historische Entwicklung von Kunst im öffentlichen Raum in Linz zwischen Stahlstadtmythos OK Labor - Kunst in die Stadt! Martin Fritz spricht mit Thom OK Offenes Kulturhaus since 8 years 10 months 00:50:24 SERENDIPITÄT. Kunst zwischen Programm und Zufall Temporäre Halle für Kunst, Linz SERENDIPITÄT- Eröffnung in der Temporären Kunsthalle für Lin DORFTV. link since 9 years 11 months 00:31:26 Die Stadtwerkstatt Linz startete im Juli auf einem Wohnschiff ihr "Artist in Residence" Programm. Eleonora@Eleonore Open Space since 14 years 6 months 01:35:52 Richard Kriesche begann seine Lehrtätigkeit an der Höheren technischen Bundeslehranstalt Graz. Das universale Datenwerk DORFTV. Redaktion since 9 years 10 months 01:21:45 sonntags um 11 im Lentos am 16. 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