+ Kristine Tjøgersen - Bioluminescence Created at 24. Jan. 2018 4906 Ansichten by DORFbrunnen BeschreibungEmbed Kristine Tjøgersen is a composer, visual artist and clarinetist, who lives and works in Oslo, Norway. She is currently studying Master in composition with Prof. Carola Bauckholt at the Anton Bruckner Universität in Linz, Austria. She also has a Master’s degree in clarinet from the Norwegian Academy of Music where she studied with prof. Hans Christian Bræin, and did composition studies with prof. Asbjørn Schaathun. She plays in the award winning ensembles asamisimasa and Ensemble neoN, and has collaborated with composers like Helmut Lachenmann, Alvin Lucier, Mathias Spahlinger, Phil Niblock, Simon Steen-Andersen, Trond Reinholdtsen and Øyvind Torvund, and has performed at most of the major European new music festivals. As a composer she has been performed by a.o. the Arditti Quartet (UK), asamisimasa, Ensemble neoN, Pinquins (N) and Mimitabu (SE) at festivals like Musik21 (DE), Cycle Fes- tival (IS), Reykjavik Contemporary Art Museum (IS), Sonic Festival (DK), Atalante (SE) Only Connect festival (NO), Musick@VillaRomana (IT), Ultima festival (NO) and North Atlantic Flux (UK). Tjøgersen has a special interest for music that combines sound and image and has also made music for theatre and film as well as installations. Bioluminescence für Orchester (2017) Uraufführung Bioluminescence is the production and emission of light by a living organism, a chemical reaction where light is produced. This piece is based on prof. James E. Lloyd’s studies on Flash Communication Systems of Photinus Fireflies. Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan 1966 The timing and pattern of these flashes is unique for each species. --------------- Leicht über Linz Horchester Symphonierorchester der Bruckneruniversität Leitung: Christoph Cech 07.12.2017  19.30 Uhr Großer Saal  ABPU Share & Embed Embed this Video Link to this Video Add new comment Kommentar verfassen login or register to post comments. Anton Bruckner Privatuniversität OÖ 195 Videos, 2 Members #Tags LEICHT ÜBER LINZ 2017 Freie Sicht auf neue Klänge Kristine Tjøgersen Horchester Anton Bruckner Privatuniversität Symphonierorchester More from Channel 00:01:06 Yiran Zhao pluri- For dance, video, and sound. in Kooperation mit Yiran Zhao - Pluri Anton Bruckner Privatuniversität OÖ since 8 years 00:10:18 MusikTheaterLabor Jorge E. Gómez Elizondo - SANTOS MOTORES! 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