
Expanded Animation - Ars Electronica 2017 - Martina Stiftinger (UK/AT), Visual Thinking

Created at 24. Jun. 2019

3296 Ansichten
by patfish


How can we create sticking communication? The answer is quite simple - Visual Storytelling. Creating smart images which represent an idea right away. Working in advertising means developing those kinds of visual stories for big brands. How can you find the right visual for the right project? The design process is basically always kind of a puzzle - figuring out smart visual expressions, developing a convincing idea to represent a product. Usually lots of different factors are involved. What are some strategies to solve that puzzle? What makes a visual powerful? In which way is personal work affected by that kind of thinking?

Fachhochschule OÖ – Campus Hagenberg (AT), Ars Electronica (AT)
Das Symposium Expanded Animation feiert mit der fünften Ausgabe sein erstes kleines Jubiläum. Im Mittelpunkt der Diskussion stehen hybride Technologien und deren Auswirkungen auf die Animationsproduktion. Die Entwicklungen werden in mehreren Panels aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven von AnimationsfilmemacherInnen, MedienkünstlerInnen, Game-DesignerInnen und WissenschaftlerInnen ausgelotet.

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