
Expanded Animation - Ars Electronica 2018 - Mathilde Lavenne (FR)

Created at 24. Jun. 2019

3480 Ansichten
by patfish

Mathilde Lavenne (FR), born in 1982, began focusing her artistic approach on emerging technologies and digital tools by writing short films and creating interactive installations in 2011. She received the SCAM’s Pierre Schaeffer Prize in 2014 and the Contemporary Talents Prize from the François Schneider Foundation in 2015. She graduated from Le Fresnoy –Studio national des arts contemporains, with honors. Her short film Focus on Infinity, shot in Norway, was selected in many festivals such as Tampere Film Festival in Finland, Shnit International Short film festival in Switzerland or International Short Film Week in Regensburg. Her work was shown in France at the Palais de Tokyo, in Italy at the Villa Medici, at MADATAC in Spain. In 2018, she is selected to continue her researches for a year at Casa de Velázquez, Academy of France in Madrid.

Fachhochschule OÖ – Campus Hagenberg (AT), Ars Electronica (AT)
Das Symposium Expanded Animation feiert mit der fünften Ausgabe sein erstes kleines Jubiläum. Im Mittelpunkt der Diskussion stehen hybride Technologien und deren Auswirkungen auf die Animationsproduktion. Die Entwicklungen werden in mehreren Panels aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven von AnimationsfilmemacherInnen, MedienkünstlerInnen, Game-DesignerInnen und WissenschaftlerInnen ausgelotet.

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