
Why is Media & Information Literacy central to Public Health?

Created at 9. Feb. 2024

361 Ansichten

Keynote of Alton Grizzle, held at the E3J-Conference Public Health Literacy and Community Media in Europe organised by COMMIT and CMFE in Vienna, January 19, 2024 at Presseclub Concordia

Alton Grizzle, Head of the Media and information Literacy department in UNESCO Paris stresses the key components of Critical Thinking and today’s necessity for all to build the capacities needed to address and work with the media with the insights and understanding required. 
He starts with the question if an absence of Media and Information Literacy itself a Public Health Issue? Resuming on the need to strengthen media and information literacy in education for all generations covering knowledge, attitudes, skills and values. Due to Alton community media play an important role here that should be recognized and expanded even more.

More infos on the conference and the E3J-project can be found here: 

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